Creating an Account in Coreo
There are several ways that you might join Coreo. We’ve highlighted the key routes below, so follow the instructions for the one that reflects your situation.
Route 1 – Signing up for a free trial account
- Visit
- Complete the relevant details in the sign up form:
- Email address. (Coreo will send you a verification link to this address so it must be both genuine and accessible).
- Full name. (First name, Last name)
- Password. (Guidance is given regarding the required number and type of characters to ensure that your password is secure).
- Organisation. The “Organisation” forms the top level of structure in Coreo. All of your Projects and Members (see Organisation Roles for further information) reside within it. If you are working for an organisation use that as the name, otherwise choose a name that reflects your requirements.
- Tick boxes. Confirm T&Cs/Privacy Policy acceptance (and contact from Coreo – optional).

- You’ll now be sent an email to confirm your email address is valid.

- Now that your account is verified you can head back to the Admin Area, or download and sign into the Coreo app (there’s a Demo project included in the app to experiment with). Assuming you want to start building a project, select “Get started in the Admin Area“.

- You’ll be shown a series of onboarding screens to guide you through the interface.

- You’re now ready to get started. At this point we recommend working through the Getting Started Tutorial which will take you through building your first project.
Route 2 – You’re invited to an Organisation
If you’re invited to join an Organisation, you’ll be sent an invitation similar to the one below. This will tell you:
- Which Organisation you’re being invited to join.
- Who invited you.
- Which Projects you’re being given access to and at what level.

- Click on the “Accept Invite” button.
- You’ll then be taken to the Coreo Sign Up page – which will be populated with your email address
- As you’re being invited to an existing Organisation the Sign Up form only asks for:
- A Password
- Your full name
- Data privacy consent

- Next you’ll be shown a signposting page which will direct you to a) the Coreo App and b) the Coreo Admin Area (if you have the relevant access rights and preferences).

Route 3 – You’re invited to join a Contributor (Citizen Science) Project
If you’re invited to join a Contributor project, you will be sent a URL and/or QR code to join the project. Contributor projects are focused on data collection and invitees do not get added to the Organisation. Therefore, you don’t get access to the Coreo Admin Area, just to the project within the Coreo app.
To join a Contributor project:
- Scan the QR code or click the link from the device you wish to install Coreo on.
- Sign up/sign in to Coreo
- You will be prompted to install the relevant project automatically as soon as you login.
If you have any trouble creating an account, or signing in please get in touch with us at
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