The UKHab & BNG Platform #4: Working with baseline data – the Record Details page
In this user guide we’ll take a look at the record Details section, its layout and how to edit/add additional info to it. The record details page provides an in depth look at each of your habitat features.
Note: When reviewing data in the The UKHab & BNG Platform Details page you will not be able to edit this data other than changing the geometry (via the home page map) and uploading additional photos to records. If you wish to e.g. change the habitat attribution or add new species you will need to do this via the Coreo app. Once you have synced your changes they will show in the platform.
There are two ways to open the record details page. You can:
- Double click a record in the Baseline Map.
- Click the blue ‘Details’ button on a record in the records table.
The record details page is divided into several different tabs, which may vary depending on the type of data you have recorded. When you first open the page you will start on the results tab.
The basic information of the record will be present across all tabs, shown at the top of the page. This includes:
- The date the record was submitted
- The name of the recorder
- Record review status
The record review status enables you mark your records based on their verification status. The options are the same as those in the Coreo Admin Area. To set the status:
- Click the drop down
- Select the relevant option from the list
Results Tab
The results tab shows a breakdown of the data associated with the record. This might include:
- The metric habitat type
- Where a Condition Assessment has been done, a summary of the assessment outcome and distinctiveness.
- Again, where relevant, a summary of the samples undertaken and species data associated with the record
- An interactive map centred on the habitat, which includes the total area of the record and latitude and longitude of the record
- A summary of the UKHab data, including the combined code
Condition Assessment Tab
Where relevant, the Condition Assessment tab shows a more detailed summary of the Condition Assessment of the record. At the top of the page the condition score and result are highlighted. Below this you’ll see the questions along with any notes. The answer provided per question is shown right aligned.
You can copy the text from this page to your clipboard to paste into a separate document using the Copy Data button to the top right of the page
Species and Quadrats Tab
The Species and Quadrats tab will change depending on whether your record contains quadrats, linear sections or general species data.
Note: If you have not recorded any species data in your survey this tab will not be available. Should you subsequently add any form of species data to the record the tab will become visible.
The page is divided into several sections:
- A list of your recorded quadrats or line features
- An interactive map showing the selected quadrat or linear section’s position in relation to the habitat record. It also shows the size of the sample undertaken along with a photo (if supplied). You also have the option of adding a photo from this screen.
- A list of the species recorded in the quadrat or linear section, along with a count of any images uploaded.
- A summary of the currently selected species in the list, including abundance score (DOMIN or DAFOR), a photo upload option and photos of the species, if applicable.
When recording general species the layout of the page is very similar, however, the map and quadrat/linear section list are removed.
Photos and Activity Tab
The photos and activity tab displays a gallery of all the photos uploaded in the final question within the UKHab Survey form. This covers the habitat as a whole and any images of condition that you wish to note. You’ll also find an activity log on this page showing who contributed to/edited this record. As with the quadrat page you can upload additional photos to the record using the upload image button in the gallery.
Next we’ll look at how to edit geometry and deal with overlaps in your records.