The UKHab & BNG Platform #6: Working with baseline data – Exporting Data
Depending on how you wish to use your UKHab survey data and which programs you wish to utilise further down the line, you’ll potentially want to export your data in several different ways. Doing this in the UKHab & BNG Platform is simple.

Map Export
The first option is to export a map image. This will provide you with a preview map centred on your habitat records.
- You can interact with the map as normal to adjust your zoom level, for example.
- The map also respects any filters you have set in the baseline tab.

- Switch your export between portrait or landscape mode by clicking the toggle above the map.

A compass and legend are added to your map by default, the position of these can be adjusted to suit your preference by clicking and dragging to your desired position. Toggle them on or off, as required. You can also print your legend as a separate image, providing you with a separate map image and legend image in your export.
You can also upload a logo to your map legend.
Feature names and secondary codes are also available to add to the map. Feature names are custom names you assign to your habitat records in the baseline table (e.g. “Plot 1”).
The key will automatically update to only show references to those habitats displayed in the map view.

When you are happy with your map you can export it using the blue button in the bottom right corner. The map will be exported as a .png ready for you to place into existing report templates.

Data Export
To export your data use the blue Export button. This will open up a dropdown menu with a range of export options. You can export:
- All Data (a copy of each format beneath)
- a csv
- a Shapefile
- a GeoPackage
- Images (This option allows you to export all of the photos you have recorded in your project in one go. Images will be saved into sub-folders based on the record id).
- directly into the Metric Calculation Tool (statutory and metric 4.0 versions)
- directly into the DEFRA Condition Assessments workbook

Note: When exporting your data into the Metric Calculation Tool you may notice some entries are incomplete. Not all UKHab habitats and codes have a metric equivalent (such as Other calcareous grassland). In these cases you should edit the record in question in the Coreo app (converting it to the nearest matching metric habitat type) and re-export your data.

Note: The official Condition Assessments workbook has a limit of 10 records of the same type. If your project exceeds this limit additional workbooks will be included in the export for every additional 10 records of those habitat type

If you have one or several records selected in the records table you’ll see an addition “Export selected” option becomes available. This highlights how many records you will export.