The UKHab & BNG Platform: Project Sharing

There may be scenarios where you want to share one of your projects with external stakeholders or contractors, allowing them to safely look through the data you’ve collected without any risk of them making changes to your data. The UKHab & BNG Platform allows you to share a version of your project in a read-only mode, allowing viewers to interact with your records within the platform without risk of data loss

To share your project you must first:

  • Open the ‘Project Settings’ page clicking the blue ‘cog’ icon in the upper right corner of the screen
  • Click the ‘Details’ tab

To make your project shareable simply:

  • Toggle ‘Enable Sharing’

Once you have enabled sharing you will need to make a password to ensure your read-only project is secure. To do so:

  • Fill in the ‘Shareable Project Password’ textbox with a secure password.

Once you have entered your password:

  • Click the blue ‘Save changes’ button.

Your project is now shareable. To provide access to others simply:

  • Copy the link provided and send it to the relevant parties

The recipients of the link will need to enter the password you set in the previous steps so ensure that you also provide this. The shared project is, for the most part, indistinguishable from the real project. However, the user will be unable to access any of the normal editing tools nor make any changes to the data within the project. Exporting is also unavailable.

If the user has a Coreo account and access to the project they can enter it too make changes should they wish to:

  • By clicking the Exit Guest Mode’ button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

After clicking this you will be prompted to log in to your Coreo account and will then have access to the original version of the project.

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