Overview of Organisations and Permissions
To access Coreo you must have an account. Your account (and type of account) dictates what you can and can’t see and do within Coreo. In simple terms access to Coreo and projects is based around two things – Organisations and user permissions. In this document we’ll take you through both and explain how these two things fit together.
First steps
If you are invited to join Coreo you’ll see that you are being invited to join an existing Organisation. If you sign up to Coreo by yourself you will notice that you need to specify an Organisation when creating your account.

Why? And what do you mean by Organisation?
Organisations represent the top level of the hierarchy in Coreo.
When you go to https://admin.coreo.io/signup and create your account, you will also create an organisation within Coreo. Any projects you go on to create, or users you invite to Coreo, will exist within this organisation. It’s the top level of structure for your account.
- If you are invited to someone else’s organisation and you don’t yet have a Coreo account then you will not be asked to specify an organisation, as you are simply joining theirs. However, you can create your own organisation later on so that you can then create your own projects.
- The organisation name you specify when signing up should be something that makes sense to you and others. For example, it might be the actual name of the organisation you work for, or it could be a representative name e.g. Derham Park Nature Apps.
- The Organisation’s owner is the billable entity. Billing is usually based on the number of users within your organisation (https://coreo.io/pricing/)
Users and Permissions
An Organisation will start off having just one user – that’s you. You are the owner of the Organisation and will be the only person initially able to:
- Create Projects in your Organisation.
- View the Projects you create in the Coreo app.
- Add new members to the Organisation.
If you want other people to do any of these things you can add them as Organisation Admins or Members. Details of these are covered in a following document.