Creating a form
In this final exercise we will add a data collection form to our project, so that we can record location-based data in the field.
- Select Configuration > Forms
- Press the Create Form button and give your form a name. We’d suggest simply giving the form name “Survey” and a title of “Survey” and then select Create

You’ll now be taken to the Form Builder page

A form is built by dragging the required blocks (questions) into the form builder and then configuring each block accordingly. It’s very simple to create advanced data collection forms in this way.
As we are recording location-based data on frogs we’ll be creating a form to collect the following details:
- Date
- Location
- Species
- Number
- Photo
Let’s make a start!
- Drag the Date picker block into the form builder

- As in the dialogue box below, type ‘Date’ into the Question field. The Question text is shown in the form next to the input field and should clearly explain what is expected, or what you would like the user to do.
- Type ‘Date’ as the Answer Label. You will see this label used in the Coreo Admin Area and in records shown on a map or in a Coreo table. The Answer Label is intended for anyone looking at the data and should, therefore, ideally be brief but clear/self explanatory.
- The Description field can be used to provide additional information for the data recorder. This might be necessary if you are asking users to collect complicated information, or to clearly define what you need. We’ll leave this blank here, since date is self explanatory.
- Export Label – This will form the column heading in any data export. You should make sure the label’s meaning is clear to any potential data users. However, if you don’t add one, Coreo will automatically generate a unique label for you.
- Select Autocomplete – this enables your device to set the date automatically using the system clock.
- Select the Mandatory check box. This means that this field has to be completed before you can submit the form.
- Now Save your form.

Now you’ll add in a location question.
- Find and drag the Location/Geometry block into your form and position it below the date question.
- Fill in the ‘Question’ text box with ‘Location of Sighting’ and optionally, fill in the description.
- Fill out the options as shown below making sure you also set this as a Mandatory field.

- Select Save when finished
You now need to add a question to the page to record the species you’ve seen (you’ll have to use your imagination when actually submitting records!). Here we’ll use a Searchable list.
- Drag a Searchable list block onto your form

- Configure the question with the following details (much of this will populate automatically when you select the answer set – which is the collection you created earlier):

- Select Save when finished
Now we will add the ability to record the number of frogs seen
- Add a new Numeric Answer question and give it the title and label of ‘Number’
- Set it up according to the image below (set a minimum and maximum allowed number, and allow whole numbers only).

- Set this question to be Mandatory

- Select Save when finished
Lastly, we’ll add in a media question type in case people wish to upload images.
- Add in a new Single Photo upload question

- Provide an appropriate question title and label (e.g. image or photo)
- Do not make this a Mandatory field.

- Make sure you Save your form
Your completed form should now look like this:

Now that we’ve created our form, you will be able to see this in the Coreo app when clicking the + (add record) button on the project’s home page (the blue icon in the image below).

If you have more than one form in your project, on clicking the + (add record) button you will be presented with a list of forms to choose between, as shown in the image below.