Create a Coreo account

To get started you will need to sign up for an account on Coreo. If you already have an account, skip this step and move onto Creating Your First Project.

  • To create your account go to the Sign Up page
  • Now complete the details shown below:
  • Along with your email, full name and password you’ll need to input an ‘Organisation‘ name. If you own or belong to an actual organisation then you can use the name of this. If not, you can use your own name or something representative of your interests. The organisation will contain any projects you create. And if you invite people to your projects, they will become members or your organisation (and see the name, so it’s best to keep it on brand!).
  • Once completed press the Create Account button

Coreo will now send you an email with a verification link within it.

  • Please check your email (remember to check your Spam folder if you can’t see it in your inbox) and click on the activation link.
  • The activation link will sign you in automatically.
  • You’ll see a Welcome message and then be shown around the key parts of the initial page – the Projects page.
  • Remain on the Projects page. You’re now ready to get started.

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