The UKHab & BNG Platform: Uploading Custom Map Layers

There may be geospatial information you want to use as reference material during your surveys or in your exports. With the UKHab & BNG Platform you have the ability to add your own custom map layers, similar to the Coreo Admin Area. Here is how to do so:

  • Click the blue cog icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen
  • Select the ‘Map Layers’ tab to open up the map layers screen

As you don’t have any layers uploaded you will be prompted to import your first custom layer. Two file types are available for upload, zipped shapefiles and GeoTIFFs. To upload your file:

  • Click the blue ‘ Import first map layer’ button

You will now be prompted to give your reference layer a name (this can be changed later) and to select the file you wish to upload either by:

  • Dragging the file onto the labelled box
  • By browsing your device and selecting the file

In this example we shall use a shapefile as our custom layer. Once your file has been successfully imported:

  • Click the blue ‘Create Map Layer’ button

Your new layer is now imported and visible in the Map Layers screen. You will also see it listed under ‘Imported layers’  to the right of the screen.

You have several options for editing and interacting with your new layer(s).

  • Clicking the ‘eye’ icon  will hide/unhide your layer.
  • Clicking the ‘magnifying glass’ icon will zoom you to your layer.
  • Clicking ‘Edit’  will allow you to organise the layer priority.
  • Clicking the blue ‘cog’ icon will open up additional settings for the layer.

You have several different options within the additional settings, you can:

  • Change your layer name
  • Change the colour of the layer
  • Change the layer opacity

You can also add additional custom layers by:

  • Clicking the blue ‘Import map layer’ button.

Once you are happy with your new map layer you can toggle its visibility in both the baseline and pre-survey pages, as you would any of the other additional map layers.

Your new map layer will also be available as a toggleable layer within the Coreo app, just as if you had added it in the admin area.

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